The story of 17-year-old Cal and his quest to prove the secret sexual history of Gaybraham Lincoln. Along the way there is convincing evidence, time travel, a road trip to the nation’s capital, budding high-school romance, a crazy Mary Todd, and sex in a stove-pipe hat. The past and present collide in this time-hopping, pop music-Michael Jackson -infused quest as Cal sets out to uncover the colorful truth about his favorite president. It is a clever, touching and unapologetically gay comedy about history, truth and what it means to be a hero…then and now. Cal wants to stir stuff up as much as he can: He embarks on a crusade to prove that Lincoln–a national role model, portrait on our greenbacks, and his personal hero–was homosexual, with at least two undocumented lovers. A lavender legacy. Cal’s private demons clearly fuel his urge for historical revisionism. His assumption that somehow it’s more right to be gay if famous mentors once were remains unquestioned until the play’s shocking finale.